Distributor: Fueling Sales

A multifaceted incentive program helps to strengthen relationships and increase sales through group incentive travel

The Client and Their Past State

The Client

A leading distributor of fuel

The Objective

To grow market share without breaking the bank

The Challenge

Building relationships with fuel dealers can be difficult and problematic. Often times loyalty is fleeting. Distributors with the cheapest prices often win.

The Client’s Current State and Key Results

High Returns

The program generated $3 million in revenue after costs

Soaring Sales

YoY sales for participants jumped from 160 million gallons to 453 million gallons


Sustained Success

Year Two goal earners increased by 237%

Participation Boom

YoY program participation increased 72%


Above and Beyond

Those who met their goal exceeded it by an average of 19%.
“This is a great opportunity to meet [the Client] leadership one-on-one in a relaxed environment.”
Participant Feedback

“It was a great outing. The event organizers did a superb job in all aspects.”
Participant Feedback

How They Got Here


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Program Design

After exploring the possibilities, HMI designed and executed a customized, multifaceted incentive solution with a robust marketing communications component that maintained the client’s fixed budget.

The program was set up as a competition, where the top salespeople would vie for the grand prize: an all-inclusive group trip for top qualifiers and their guests to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Non-trip earners would be kept engaged throughout the program by the chance to win quarterly merchandise, and an online leaderboard was created to keep competition high.

The client wanted to target its fuel dealers but recognized that the size of dealers that they worked with varied. Because of this, HMI divided the dealers into two groups: large dealers and small dealers. This way, even the smaller dealers could qualify for the grand prize group trip.

Strategy & Implementation

Award Opportunities

  • Quarterly sweepstakes offered smaller rewards throughout the promotional period
  • Top earners of both groups were awarded an all-inclusive group trip experience to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Program Structure

  • Designed as a competition, the dealers went head-to-head to prove who would sell the most fuel
  • An online leaderboard was set up for each group, making the competition fair for those smaller dealers

 Participant Feedback

  • Trip earners rated the trip 4.5 out of 5 stars
  • 100% of respondents said their attendance positively influenced their relationship with the Client.


Interested in running a program like this one? Talk to an incentive expert today!

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