Manufacturer: Building Brand Awareness

A short-term promotion helps to grow customer data and acquisition on a fixed budget

The Client and Their Past State

The Client

A national plumbing manufacturer.

The Audience


The Objective

To better understand and communicate with the target audience and create greater brand awareness to better stand out within the market.

The Challenge

Bridging the gap to their end-users is a common issue for manufacturers these days. Having clean, manageable data can be a make-or-break for a company, and having a solid marketing plan in place when the data comes through is just as important.

The Client’s Current State and Key Results

Data Boom

The program generated profiling data for over 2,700 new end-users.

Successful Video Marketing

The program’s promotional video had over 5000 views on both YouTube and HMI’s video hosting software.

High Engagement

Email open and click rates reached 100% and 91.7%, compared with the industry average of 20%.
“For a small, small [contractor] like myself to get drawn out. [I’m] not part of a big conglomerate. [The Client] is a great company.
Winner of the Grand Prize

“The thing I like about the promotion is anybody can win this. [The Client] made it such a simple process. They make it real easy and user friendly on these promotions.”
Participant, Wholesaler VP of Sales and Marketing

How They Got Here


promo video thumbnail

Program Design

HMI devised a riveting and innovative 6-month promotional sweepstakes targeting the client’s contractor and engineer base that buy and use the desired products.

A large-scale marketing plan was introduced to promote the program. HMI utilized email and paper promotions as well as publications and independent ads promoted by the client’s network of distributors and wholesalers.

HMI negotiated minimal production costs and cost-efficient ad space to remain within the client’s fixed budget.

Strategy & Implementation

Data strategy:

  • Registration and progress tracking website
  • Program participation was tracked to gain valuable customer information

Reward opportunities:

  • Monthly sweepstakes with first, second, and third place winners
  • A Grand Prize sweepstakes to win a brand-new Harley Davidson® motorcycle

Interested in running a program like this one? Talk to an incentive expert today!

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