Manufacturer: Building Relationships Abroad

How maintaining dealer relationships and implementing strategic incentive plans lead to 100% overall satisfaction for a financing company

The Client and Their Past State

The Client

A global, Fortune 100 leader in the manufacturing and financing of construction and mining equipment.

The Audience

Dealer owners, F&I Managers, Sales Managers.

The Objective

To drive results in a specific area of the business, particularly driving four different behaviors while creating meaningful stories and better, stronger relationships with the top dealers in their network.

The Challenge

In the financing industry, a company will often struggle without the dealer network. Dealer relationships are the backbone of the business, so maintaining the relationship is of paramount importance.

The Client’s Current State and Key Results

Engaged Participants

61% of dealers earned trips. 15 dealers qualified based on achieving their goal alone, and 17 dealers qualified with bonus activities.


It's a Deal!

Deals financed with the client increased 2%.

Growing Global Market Share

Total global industry sales increased 1%.



Insurace added to deals increased 22%.

Rave Reviews

Trip earners reported 100% overall satisfaction, 98.5% registration satisfaction, 96.9% flight booking satisfaction, and 95.4% satisfaction with on-site events.

How They Got Here


marketing assets - Building Abroad

Program Design


Knowing the client’s goals and the importance of maintaining meaningful relationships within the dealer network and adjusting behaviors, HMI put together a strategy to target the most important points of influence in the client’s network. The solution was an exciting group incentive travel program to Aruba!

Setting Goals

The program offered the client’s highest-performing F&I managers, used equipment managers, and dealership principals the ability to win the trip based on the performance of their dealerships. Together, HMI and the client set goals for every dealership eligible for the trip. These goals were based on certain percentage increase of deals financed with the client within certain target areas of business. Achieving these goals would allow the principal or manager to earn the trip.

Additional Behaviors

On top of earning their goals, additional bonus opportunities for earning were offered. These opportunities included deal bundling, add-ons to deals, and utilization of an online resource, a cost-reducing behavior that the client wanted to incentivize.

Omni-Channel Programs

The client also runs a points program alongside this group incentive travel program. In addition to earning the trip through goals, the top 10 point-earning dealership sales representatives from this tangential program were also invited on the trip.

Mobile Engagement

The client opted into TripBuzz, HMI’s on-site engagement app. TripBuzz offers an array of useful resources and fun engagement opportunities for trip-earners. They can view their trip schedule, property overview, a list of other attendees, activity options, and much more. They can also post pictures, contact other trip attendees, play games, and partake in promotions.


Strategy & Implementation

Opportunities for rewards:
  • On top of achieving their goals, participants could win rewards by…
    • Deal bundling
    • Deal add-ons
    • Digital behaviors
    • Highest point earners
Program design and management:
  • Designed to target and engage major points of contact
  • Dealer network engagement and relationship management
  • Run alongside the client’s points program
  • On-site fulfillment and responsiveness

Interested in running a program like this one? Talk to an incentive expert today!

Need more incentive insights? Check out these related articles.

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