Manufacturer: Financing the Future

A points-based program that secures ROI and improves engagement.

The Client and Their Past State

The Client

A global, Fortune 100 leader in the manufacturing and financing of construction and mining equipment.

The Audience

Sales reps in their channel.

The Objective

To support and improve the standing business model with incentives while increasing loyalty, sales, cross-selling, and engagement with the target audiences.

The Challenge

Being a global initiative, both program design and communication tactics had to appeal to multiple cultures, demographics, and motivations while appealing to several different layers of audience members within the client’s go-to-market strategy.

The Client’s Current State and Key Results

Enrolled and Engaged

The program had 85% global enrollment among potential enrollees and 52% global engagement among enrolled participants.

Getting the ROI

Over 5 years, the program saw a gobal ROI of up to 300%.


Domestic Returns

The client saw a 25% increase in U.S. deals from enrolled and engaged dealer sales personnel.

Global Success

There was a 22% increase in global deals made with the client from enrolled dealer sales personnel.

How They Got Here

Program Design

The client turned to HMI based on our global capabilities, having run programs in over 60 countries.

HMI crafted a global program for the client, which targeted dealer sales personnel, who were rewarded in several different ways:

  • First, this audience was rewarded for creating a contract with a customer for a machine that was financed directly by the client. The total points awarded for every machine financed varied based on units included and country.
  • Second, the sales personnel were rewarded for cross-selling bundles supplied by the client, such as insurance, warranties, etc., onto financing deals. The more solutions the sales representatives were able to add onto a deal, the more points they would earn.  Sales personnel also had access to bonus point opportunities they could earn on a deal and for a variety of other ways, such as “conquest” or new or commercial business. These bonus points had a fixed point total and would vary to encourage different cross-selling bundles.
  • Additionally, the client offered training for dealer sales personnel, which they could take to improve their financing knowledge. These trainings were offered quarterly and varied in point distribution.
  • Finally, the program included other point-earning engagement tactics. These included a referral bonus for any salesperson to recommend the program to another and for engaging with strategies pushing digital efficiencies.

Territory managers, responsible for the overall performance of dealerships that sell the client’s financing deals, were an integral aspect of the program. They were enlisted to help improve engagement with dealer sales personnel and make sure enrollment was high. They could also distribute points to dealer sales personnel for special circumstances.

Marketing & Technology

  • Customized by country and audience type
  • Promotional reward opportunities
  • Segmented campaigns highlighting different rewards based on point-balance
  • Announcement videos 
  • Survey emails to generate participant feedback
  • Online rewards platform
  • Simple and easy claims process
  • Custom-designed dealer leaderboards
  • Online catalog with order tracking

Reward Opportunities

  • Rewards varied by country to make sure they were as appealing as possible
  • Travel packages
  • Event tickets
  • Experiential rewards
  • Brand-name merchandise

Interested in running a program like this one? Talk to an incentive expert today!

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