Manufacturer / Retailer: Inspiring a Sprint in Sales

Increasing a retail chain’s market share by inspiring the sales force to become brand advocates

The Client and Their Past State

The Client

A national footwear and sports apparel manufacturer.

The Audience

Store associates and managers of the client.

The Objective

To meet and exceed sales projections while gaining mindshare of frontline retail sales associates.


The Challenge

Getting the attention of an indifferent team of sales personnel amidst increased competition from more visible consumer brands.

The Client’s Current State and Key Results


Surpassing Goals

YOY sales increased by 12%, exceeding the goal by 20%.

High Enrollment

Over half of the retail chain’s salespeople enrolled in the program

Long-Term Growth

18% lift in manufacturer’s products by year three

Rewards All Around

The average participant earned nearly $300 in points per years.

Repeated Results

The manufacturer was able to replicate the program strategy with three other retail chains
“HMI partnered with us to develop an exciting program that was specifically customized to our needs. They continue to bring us creative ideas to maintain excitement with the sales associates.”
Client Feedback

“HMI’s excellent program design and follow-through has made the program virtually turnkey for us.”
Client Feedback

The OnDemand Awards program helped us create a year-round brand loyalty program with sales associates from key national accounts. And the HMI team has been with us every step of the way.”
Client Feedback

How They Got Here


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Program Design

HMI constructed an innovative and exciting year-long incentive program, which the client has renewed every year since its start.

This program targeted the client’s retail salespeople, a younger crowd, and emphasized the sale of the client’s premium products. The program offered very achievable rewards for these sales and included specialty promotions to garner more engagement.

One example of a special promotion run for this program is the “Mystery Shopper.” When the anonymous “Mystery Shopper” was greeted by a retail salesperson and encouraged to purchase the manufacturer’s featured product, that salesperson received significant bonus points.

Strategy & Implementation

Program Structure

  • HMI’s OnDemand points platform
  • In-store leaderboards to increase engagement
  • Tracked participation and data analysis

Award Opportunities

  • Points, called “hits,” could be earned for a number of sales activities
  • Scratch cards for quarterly bonus promotions
  • Promotional bonuses such as the “Mystery Shopper” bonus

Points could be spent on rewards such as:

  • Travel
  • Experiences
  • Brand-name merchandise


Interested in running a program like this one? Talk to an incentive expert today!

Need more incentive insights? Check out these related articles.

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