Manufacturer: Welcome Participant

Welcome emails help improve ROI and engagement for a program

The Client and Their Past State

The Client

A global leader in power management and automation systems, APC by Schneider Electric.

The Audience

Value-Added Reseller’s

The Objective

To increase account activation and improve ongoing participation with the program.

The Challenge

A common behavior of program participants is to sign up for a program and never return, which can make future engagement efforts useless. While the client had a good record of program activation, the rate of participants returning to the program website was low.

The Client’s Current State and Key Results

Engaged Participants

The first email in the series saw a 48.6% open rate and a 34.7% click rate.

Hitting the Ground Running

New enrollees were responsible for 32% of total claims, amounting to 50% of the total revenue for the recorded period.

High Returns

The campaign garnered $1.5 million for the client

YoY Growth

Amounted to a 40% boost from prior year results

Choose Your Reward

Led to a 20% increase in redemption from the reward catalog available to the participants

How They Got Here


Program Design

First impressions are always important. In fact, welcome emails can reach up to 40% higher open rates and generate nine times more transactions than bulk promotional emails.

Knowing this, HMI’s solution was to put together a string of emails within a welcome workflow. The workflow was designed to react to the behavior of the participants, who had recently signed up for the client’s loyalty program. Here’s how it worked:


Participants received an initial email, followed by additional emails. Which subsequent emails they received was based on the participants’ interactions with the initial email. This tiered workflow was set up to work automatically and continually as new participants activated their accounts.

Participants who engaged were placed into a list and received one email.

Participants who did not engage were placed into a different list and sent a different email.

Strategy & Implementation

#1: Welcome Email

Sent 6 business days after a participant enrolled in the program, this email enticed the enrollees with free points toward their rewards.

#2: Thank You Email

Sent when an enrollee engaged with the Welcome Email. This email showed the participant what they could do with their new program.

#3: Forgot Something? Email

Sent to participants who did not interact with the Welcome Email, this served as a reminder to use the free points.

#4: Last Chance Email

Sent a number of days after the Forgot Something? Email, this one acted as a last chance to redeem the free points and showed them what they could be missing.

Interested in running a program like this one? Talk to an incentive expert today!

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